Legal Agreement

Terms and Conditions:

All work accepted to the show must be for sale. Works will be sold on a consignment basis 50/50 with 50% of the retail price going to the artist. The artist must also be willing to have future sales either through or from chefs/restaurants. The care and condition of the work will be the responsibility of the gallery for the duration of the show.

Artists are responsible for shipping work to and from the gallery and for any damage incurred on the way. GrowlerFest will not be held responsible for work that has been damaged during shipping. Kiln to Kitchen will handle the artworks with the utmost care possible; however, casualties and damage do occur and will be addressed on a case by case basis. Agreement to participate and exhibit artworks includes the artist being responsible for risk of loss. Please include either a return shipping label or check for return shipping.

By submitting you agree to alow Kiln to Kitchen to use, display, or publish the images you submit for entry in any commercial, personal, non-profit, or editorial projects involving advertising, print media,
web site publication, or broadcast as chosen by Kiln to Kitchen.